Saturday, August 23, 2008

So it's Obama and Biden

Go figure.

I don't really know a lot about Biden except that he was busted for plagarism, said Delaware is a slave state (not was, and he said it with pride), said that if you go to a 7-11 you have to be able to speak with an Indian accent, said that Obama was too inexperienced to be President and strongly supported the Iraq war. Anyway he does seem to "balance" the ticket.

Other than that not a lot going on -

I was out at a test lab Thursday and Friday. Fortunately everything went well and we aren't under huge time constraints like normal. That meant I got to finish a lot of reading. Finished Generation Kill and Descartes Discourse on Methods. Generation Kill was better than I had feared, and actually the HBO series sticks to it pretty closely. After I was done I went back and reread Lt. Fick's book One Bullet Away, the parts about Iraq anyway, and there are some fairly big discrepancies, but my impression is that is more a matter of perspective than malice. I also started Plato's Symposium again.

Anyway that's the catch up post I am working on part 4 of Rebranding America have that up tomorrow I hope.

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