Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mitch McConnell Hates Poor People or Republicans Once Again Snatch Defeat From the Jaws Of Victory

In my opinion gas prices are the single biggest issue in this election season. With gas at $4.00+ per gallon the Republicans had an excellent opportunity to both set good energy policy and score electoral points, but proving once again that they are more comfortable in the minority they have passed, and now it may be too late.

If I had been in the Republican Leadership I would have been flooding the airwaves with ads pointing out that for the last 30 years Democrats have opposed every effort to find new sources of oil as well as there opposition to new refinery capacity, new roads, nuclear power, clean coal etc. Then I would have immediately introduced a comprehensive energy policy bill (yeah I know it's that dreaded "c" word) and flooded the network talk shows with supporters with the instruction that every time someone said "Your plan won't produce any new oil for 10 years" that they answer "Yeah that's what you said 10 years ago and look where we are now".

What do the Republicans do though?

They cave on ANWR!

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans have dropped the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from their energy policy discussions, focusing instead on persuading Democrats to lift a moratorium on offshore drilling.

It's a move that has angered the longtime standard-bearer for drilling in ANWR, U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who has vowed to put the issue back in front of his colleagues in the Senate.


(h/t doupleplusundead)

and they let the Dems seize the high ground on energy policy:

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), fresh from his GI Bill victory, said that he is now making energy a major priority. “We need to look at all our assets,” he said, suggesting a large package including expanded offshore drilling, alternative energy, nuclear power and technology to make coal cleaner.


Where is the Republican plan?

Probably stuck in McConnell's butt. I'm sure it will be delivered by a flying monkey at about the time Obama is elected President and the Democrats get a veto proof majority in both houses. In other words too late to do any good.


Will Maria Cantwell persist in her unnatural hatred of poor people or will she support the President's energy plan?

Even President Bush Knows Maria Cantwell Hates Poor People

Not Only Does Maria Cantwell Hate Poor People - She Is a Hypocritical Lying Skank

Listen to Radio Free Moronosphere

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