Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's called irony...

One of the things that pisses me off about this election is the constant 'if I don't get my way I will take my ball and go home" attitude of a lot of conservative bloggers regarding the Republican party and John McCain.

It's a constant drumbeat of negativity that just wears on my nerves, and frankly it's stupid. John McCain may not be the perfect candidate but no candidate is, and let's be realistic even with all his flaws he is better than the other choices in the general election. In addition the fact that he is managing to stay within the margin of error against Our True Lord and Barack Obama(tm) shows that he is doing something right.

With that in mind today I ran across a blog post over at in which he is pitching the same line of stuff about the Republicans abandoning the conservative base and we all better watch out blah, blah, blah, and he reiterated the idea over at; so I just decided to turn the complaint around and posted that I was going to vote for Barack Obama and all the liberal dems on the ticket - if I am going to be hated for not being ideologically pure enough I might as well align myself with the other side.

I am going to let it sit over there until 8pm or so and see what kind of results I get. I'm pretty sure at this point I am the most hated guy in that thread.

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