Thursday, July 31, 2008

Barack Obama - "You'd think we'd be having a serious debate", except everytime someone challenges me to one I say no.

I just caught a piece on the news where Our True Lord and Savior Barack Obama(tm) actually had the balls to say "You'd think we'd be having a serious debate, but instead we're talking about Britney Spears and Paris Hilton".

Now correct me if I am wrong, but didn't John McCain challenge Barack Obama to a series of townhall style debates, after Obama had previously said, in essence "anytime anywhere", which Our True Lord and Savior Barack Obama(tm) refused to participate in?

And didn't this follow on the heels of Hillary Clinton challenging Obama to a series of additional debates, which he refused to participate in?

Is he lying or did he forget?

Damn I wish I had mad you tube skills so I could make a commercial out of that.

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