Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Study - Decline Seen In Number of Illegals

The number of illegal immigrants in the country has dropped by as much 1.3 million in the past year, an 11 percent decline since a historic peak last August, an immigration research group in Washington said in a report released Wednesday.

The report, by Steven A. Camarota and Karen Jensenius of the Center for Immigration Studies, found “strong indications” that stepped-up enforcement by immigration authorities had played a major role in the decline.


The study’s methods and conclusions were questioned by other demographers and economists, who said the decline might be less than the center reported and was more likely the result of the weak economy, especially in low-wage construction and manufacturing where illegal immigrants are generally employed.

“The decline can easily be explained by changes in the economy,” said Steve Levy, senior economist at the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy in Palo Alto. He said California had lost 134,000 construction jobs since the summer of 2006.


The Center for Immigration Studies is a policy advocacy group that favors reduced immigration and opposes legislation to give legal status to illegal immigrants. The study supports the center’s contention that border enforcement and a crackdown on unauthorized workers and their employers would lead many illegal immigrants to leave the United States without being deported.


So it seems everyone agrees there is a decline, but may disagree about how much and the causes. My personal belief is it is caused by a combination of factors including stricter border enforcement, stronger workplace enforcement and a weakening economy. But essentially the result follows what I said during the immigration debates last year. We don't need to try and deport 12,000,000 people the combination of stronger enforcement at the border and in the workplace, especially if combined with rules making it harder to send remittances to Mexico, will cause many if not most illegals to self deport. If they can't send money home there really isn't a reason for them to come here.

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