Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Around the Moronosphere 8/19/09

Betsy - Results of the Glenn Beck Boycott

He sees the following effects from the boycott.

(1) More attention, and thus, possibly more viewers for Glenn Beck.
(2) A sympathy backlash (like this column) from people who normally wouldn't dream of defending Glenn Beck, but who will almost always defend free speech.
(3) A backlash boycott against Olbermann, or whomever, on the part of angered conservatives.
(4) The spreading perception that some liberals are often willing to employ tactics that are quite illiberal when it comes to those with whom they disagree.
(5) More opportunity on Beck's show for him to spew goofy opinions, precisely because the advertisers have fled, leaving him with more time to fill.

probably not the results they are looking for.

Doubleplusundead - A new Felicia Day video and

Sean M. notes that the media doesn't seem near as outraged by Axelrod's ties to big Pharma as by Cheney's ties to big oil.

Slashdot - An OS written entirely in assembly language

As a result it's extremely quick and compact (it can even fit on a floppy disk, despite having a GUI). It can run Quake.

The Belmont Club - The foundations of our world

It’s easy to forget that ancient history and story of men who are now almost lost to us; the dim echoes heard only in the occasional recollections that still flash awake on visits. And that perhaps is as it should be. Their job is done and they must leave us orphaned now, beyond their help and alone with our destiny.

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