Tuesday, November 01, 2016

California goes all extra double stupid - What I am reading 11/1/2016

NY Times - California Today: A New Target of Gun Control Advocates — Bullets -

Under Proposition 63, ammunition purchasers would be treated similar to gun purchasers. Before a Californian could buy even a single bullet of any kind, he or she would need to pay a fee of up to $50 and wait up to 30 days to obtain a four-year permit.

Ars Technica - Bizarre leaked Pentagon video is a science fiction story about the future of cities -

Despite the terrible delivery, however, the movie does some good science fiction world-building. The premise is that we’ve mastered urban warfare, but our tactics only work in late 20th-century cities. Megacities, which are usually defined as urban areas with more than 15 million people, will change the game. The movie explores what social life will be like in such places, especially after climate change has made them more dangerous and the separation between rich and poor has been magnified beyond belief.

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