Blatantly Stolen From Dark Reading
1. Applied Cryptography - Lots of praise for this book. I personally am not a fan of the author but as far as I know this is considered THE go-to.
2. Threat Modeling : Designing for Security - Out of 27 reviews 3 are pretty negative. I jumped around using the surprise me feature on Amazon. I didn't see much that was that impressive.
3. The Practice of Network Security Monitoring - I actually read this one and found it useful.
4. Cyberwar - Another one I have read. Interesting but not earthshaking. I found it to be a little grandstandy but then again I think it was one of the first serious non-fiction books dealing with the subject. Might be worth a read just for historical perspective.
5. Cyberspies - I can't say I know anything about this one.
6. Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems.
7. The Web Application Security Hackers Handbook
8. The Art of Software Security Assessment -
To this I am going to add two of my own choices -
9. The Grid - Critical infrastructure seems to be the rage at the moment. This book is a good exploration of the grid and why it is both so vulnerable and so highly resilient. It definately has shortcomings but it is a good exploration.
10. Lights Out - Lot's of criticism for this one, in large part because Koppel wrote a cybersecurity / cyberwar book without talking to any cybersecurity experts. I include it because it highlights public perceptions of issues.
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