Wednesday, December 17, 2014

US and Cuba Talk - May Normalize Relations

WASHINGTON — The United States will open talks with Cuba aimed at restoring full diplomatic relations and opening an embassy in Havana for the first time in more than a half century after the release of an American contractor held in prison for five years, American officials said Wednesday.
As I write this I am watching my twitter feed blow up with people once again accusing the President of treason, claiming this is the first step to a new totalitarian regime, etc.  Personally I am for it.  I would have rathered that it wait until the Castros were out of power but I swear they are like vampires - they just refuse to die.

Obviously the sanctions haven't worked - they have been in place for 50 years and Cuba is no closer to being free than it was back when Che Guevara was having prisoners executed in Havana.  I have maintained for a long time that normalized relations would destabilize the Castros far more effectively than not allowing them to buy new cars or blue jeans will.  Especially since, as far as I know, no other country refuses to trade with them.  Let the dollar bring them down.  Plus - CUban women are hot and I want to go hang out in Havana and watch them walk up and down the street.  Just saying.

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