Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Around the Moronosphere 6/2/09

Uneasy Silence - Tip of the day: How To Shave Your Private Parts?? - Grooming tips from Gillette I could probably live without

Betsy - Some realism on ethanol - A second study -- by the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Transportation and Air Quality -- explains that the reduction in CO2 emissions from burning ethanol are minimal and maybe negative.

Realism doesn't matter as long as it makes you feel like you are doing something. Just like stem cells.

Flopping Aces -

InstaPundit - THE TALIBAN abduct up to hundreds of students in Pakistan. - Not just any students but students from a nearby local college. The Wanda Kessler School of Beauty. (Cheap Real Genius reference) The original article wasn't real clear on details but it appears that the students were cadets at a military school so I think we can guess the reason for the kidnappings.

Michelle Malkin - “ACORN is a criminal enterprise” - These are the five simple words that every conservative candidate officeholder should be repeating often and loudly.

It’s about the fraud. It’s about the coordinated corruption. It’s about the effect on housing, the economy, and the entire electoral landscape.

In a lot of ways ACORN is the new boogie man but there have been enough substantiated cases of voter fraud that it is time for the Department of Justice to take a serious look at their operations

Slashdot - The Perils of Pop Philosophy - "This brings us around to some of my longstanding ambivalence about blogging and journalism more generally. On the one hand, while it's probably not enormously important whether most people have a handle on the mind-body problem, a democracy can't make ethics and political philosophy the exclusive province of cloistered academics. On the other hand, I look at the online public sphere and too often tend to find myself thinking: 'Discourse at this level can't possibly accomplish anything beyond giving people some simulation of justification for what they wanted to believe in the first place.' This is, needless to say, not a problem limited to philosophy."

The echo chamber effect. You only listen to and read people you agree with and it reinforces your own opinion. I have to admit that I am not immune although I do make a conscious effort to overcome it. That is one reason I insist on reading source material myself instead of letting O'Reilly, Beck, Limbaugh, and Malkin do it for me. Chances are I will agree with them to at least a certain extent, but it is intellectually dishonest to base my arguments on their interpretations of what a document says. (and no this is not a slam at any of the four mentioned individuals who are all talented enough to have risen to the top of their professions. It is a slam at letting them do our work)

The Belmont Club - The Perils of Facebook

Bring the Heat Bring the Stupid - Load HEAT (Scarlett Johannsen)

Cold Fury - Keeping the "Dealergate" dream alive - Few doubt that Zero Hedge is among the finest quant blogs on the planet. Its amazing work in analyzing the relationships between campaign contributions and Chrysler dealership closings resulted in a stunning conclusion: “a noticeable and highly positive correlation between dealer survival and Clinton donors” (87% confidence interval).

From my understanding a 95% confidence interval is usually the gold standard on determining relevance but I honestly don't know enough statistics to comment on the methods or conclusions.

The Other McCain - Romney: Obama of the Right - "let me clarify: the BHO comparison is not about experience. Romney certainly has plenty. The comparison is about the stylishness of the presentation, at some cost to substance. I thought Romney delivered an excellent speech at CPAC. I'd like to hear him discuss, in detail, the fallout of his healthcare initiative in the Bay State."

I didn't see Romney's CPAC speech and I wasn't a Romney supporter last year. Smitty talks about stylishness at the cost of substance. That is visible in the video linked at Smitty's post. I also just have trouble resolving his statements on issues like the second amendment with my own views

Other Stuff:

BBC - Hopes high for Obama's Islam speech - The third paragraph is Bush bashing at it's best. gotta love it

Yahoo - Obama, in Europe, must show diplomatic style works - WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama makes a second foray into European diplomacy this week facing pressure to demonstrate his consensus-building foreign policy can produce results where his predecessor George W. Bush's go-it-alone style failed.


When he ran for president last year, Obama argued Bush's diplomacy had alienated U.S. friends abroad and promised to deliver international backing for U.S. initiatives by listening to allies rather than dictating to them.

The results so far are inconclusive.

Cheney on gay marriage: "Freedom for everyone" - WASHINGTON – Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday he supports gays being able to marry but believes states, not the federal government, should make the decision.


"And I think that's the way it ought to be handled today, that is, on a state-by-state basis. Different states will make different decisions. But I don't have any problem with that. I think people ought to get a shot at that," he said.

But, I don't understand... He's evil incarnate how can he support gay marriage. My worldview is destroyed /sarcasm

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