Wednesday, May 20, 2009

California Prop 8 ruling on Tuesday?

I was checking things out over at memeorandum and came across this:

Exclusive: SF Mayor Gavin Newsom Asked Court to Delay Prop 8 Ruling

Clicked thru and it appears at least, according to this source, that the California Supreme Court is ready to issue a ruling on whether or not Prop 8 will stand, but because the day has a special significance in gay history they are holding off:

As mentioned earlier, a ruling Thursday would have fallen on the 30th anniversary of the San Francisco riots, which were set off when the court handed down the most lenient decision possible (voluntary manslaughter) against Dan White for the murders of supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone. The ensuing riots in San Francisco on May 21, 1979 caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.

If this article is accurate, and it's a blog so that is very open to question, my guess is they are going to uphold the constitutionality of Prop 8. Otherwise why wait? It would be a symbol of how far gay civil rights have come if they overturned the voters what better way to celebrate Harvey Milk?

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