Sunday, May 24, 2009

Around the Moronosphere in 60 Minutes 5/24/09

Hey I got the date right the first time this time. Yay Me!

Doubleplusundead - man up, er, nancies. - "Why do we spend so much goddamned time wringing our hands about the fact that the media and the left are going to distort and twist what it is conservatives or GOPers say? The ad isn't sexist, man up and say it, and slap down any leftist who says otherwise."

Why? Because we let Allahpundit set so the agenda on much of what we talk about. He thinks that the ad will be perceived as meanspirited and sexist so people spend the next 6 days trying to prove him wrong. Personally I don't think the ad makes any sense but then I thought the movie Goldfinger sucked too.

The Belmont Club - Hezbollah has been linked to the murder of Rafik Hariri. - Sources close to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon have revealed that investigators now believe Hezbollah was linked to the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, German weekly magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ reported on its website on Saturday.

Hold on now! That's just crazy talk! After all it was just Monday that the Pakistani press informed us that Dick Cheney was behind the assassination of Al Hariri and we know that Cheney is closely aligned with the secret Jewish cabal that rules the world. Or maybe... Hezbollah and Cheney were in it together. Yeah that's the ticket.

The Bit Maelstrom - Cartoon from 1950's explains the capitalist system

Kind of light on the blog front this AM. Must be the long weekend. Onward ever onward is the motto here at Kuru Lounge (or is it "Downward ever downward" can never keep them straight) though so here is the news:

Al-Jazeera - Hezbollah denies Hariri murder role - Hezbollah, an armed Lebanese political group, has denied a German magazine report linking it to the killing of Rafiq al-Hariri, a former Lebanese prime minister.

Sure when it's a denial about Hezbollah and assassinations it gets printed. Cheney not so much

BBC - Pakistan still fighting in SWAT - Pakistan's army says it has recaptured several areas of Mingora, the main city in the Swat valley, as its offensive against the Taliban continues.


But clashes are still continuing with soldiers and militants engaged in hand-to-hand fighting at some of the city's main intersections, the army says.

DAWN - Official recounts Taliban’s doggedness - "Although the military has made significant gains, commanders held out little prospect for an early end to the fighting. ‘We cannot give any timeline for an end to fighting,’ said Gen Ghani.

The main objective of the military operation was to dismantle the militants’ fighting machine and to wipe out their leadership, the general recalled.

The loss of Matta might have weakened the Taliban, but they are still putting up fierce resistance in some key areas, demonstrating their prowess to fight a prolonged war. "

The Economist - Bust and boom - The price of oil has leapt to nearly $62 a barrel. Another spike may be on the way...

The explanation is simple. Oilmen are worried because they believe that many of the factors behind the record-breaking ascent last year remain in place.

$4.00 a gallon by the end of the summer baby! and in large part we can thank Obama and the Dems. They will blame some Bush policy that is loosely linked to oil production but really after President Obama's election the search for new sources of oil has pretty well dried up and Cap and Trade and other restrictions are going to make matters worse.

Washington Post - The Three Wolves make the big time - For a day or two, a black T-shirt featuring an image of three wolves baying at a full moon claimed the top slot at the online store's clothing bestseller list,, beating out the usual, unremarkable mix of Levi's 505 regular-fit jeans, Crocs clogs and Adidas running shoes.

And really, why wouldn't you buy the shirt, which is priced from $7.65 to $17.93, depending on your size? Just read the long and growing list of customer testimonials promising earth-shattering experiences or psychedelic vision quests upon purchase.

Kuru Lounge brought you news of this awesome shirt earlier this week and now even more proof of it's awesome powers over the space/time continuum

Yahoo - Liberals ask how they lost gun, Guantanamo votes - WASHINGTON – Frustrated liberals are asking why a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House can't manage to close the Guantanamo prison or keep new gun-rights laws from passing.

I'd like to know too so we can make sure they keep losing

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