Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Arond the moronosphere in 60 minutes 4/14/09 - early morning edition

0430 here but I know somewhere there is a bigger moron than me blogging so here we go-

Flopping Aces - Gitmo may remain open - stretching the actual content of the Miami Herald story a bit but the point is taken.

Powerline - Paul Krugman, World's Worst Columnist?- - So where do we get him the coffee mug for his birthday?

Bring the Heat Bring the Stupid - A montage honoring Olivia Munn - She is hot as hell and funny to boot. As a supplement I offer this video:

Protein Wisdom - Jesse Jackson Jr. In Hot Water - surely the son of that paragon of virtue Jesse Jackson would never consider doing anything wrong. It's not like his dad hasn't been extorting companies for years or anything.

The Digital Brownshirt - Swordfight in Indiana

Other Stuff:

The Register - Facebook, Twitter users are lazy, thick and amoral - Is that a problem?

Essentially, over-heavy Twitter use will make you cold, cynical and facile - ultimately leaving you heartless and dead inside.

"Indifference to the vision of human suffering gradually sets in," says Castells.

The study's author went on to say that there was virtually no chance that he might be overstating the problem and that the very existence of human life was at stake. Others interviewed believe that his obsession with the evils of twitter may have something to do with the fact the fact that his cat has more followers than he does.


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