Friday, July 11, 2008

Just a quick comparison of living conditions

via The Drudge Report I found this picture of John McCain's cell when he was a POW.

Wow. I have new sympathy for the prisoners at GITMO. I mean honestly, their lives must be living hell from all the coverage of the inhumane conditions I have seen:

Here is the horror that non-compliant prisoners are kept in -

and the scarcely better conditions for compliant prisoners -

That can't be right can it? Aren't the conditions at GITMO supposed to be the worst in all of human history. So severe that it will go down with the Roman suppression of Spartacus's slave revolt for infamy.

For another comparison here is a cell at San Quentin lightyears better than McCain's but still lacking compared to GITMO.

Just some food for thought.

Here is some more - The next time some dog-dick sucking bastard like Wesley Clark starts talking about Obama running on character and integrity, think how much character and integrity it took for McCain to turn down early release and stay in that shithole.

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