Thursday, June 05, 2008

Whiteygate Day 4

Larry Johnson -

I give the Obama folks credit–they’ve tried mightily to shift the meaning of my original report. I learned last week that Republicans have a tape of Michelle in a racist rant. She does so while part of a panel discussion. I do not know where this occurred. And the specific date is not known either. BuzzHill offered up his view earlier today but I have not confirmed one way or another.

Here is an alternate scenario. The Obama people didn't have to try and shift Larry Johnson's meeting because his writing has implied a number of times that the tape would be released. In addition he has linked to other stories that imply the author has seen the tape. When none of these pan out he resorts to the "Hey stupid I always claimed the Republicans are hiding the tape until August (or late October or whatever the latest theory is). The fact that you think I should actually have some proof before making these claims means you are stupid or an Obama supporter or both" defense. Good luck spinning this away. Or alternatively finding any small snippet that can be credibly claimed to back your story.

I have a vision of Larry et. al. going thru hundreds of Trinity recordings looking for something that they can say is close enough while posting about how stupid the rest of us are every couple hours to keep interest alive.

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