Friday, June 20, 2008

Here is something I don't understand

Clarification - The below was written after reading a piece in which some guy spent two paragraphs bitching about John McCain and how no real conservative could support him and then complaining about his lack of fund raising in regards to Obama's announcement. People can have legitimate complaints about McCain's policies. I agree with some disagree with most but I am not trying to say you have to support him or agree with him. Just be consistent.

If I can find the post again I will link it but last night I was so mad I didn't want too.


A large number of conservatives spend weeks criticizing John McCain, and God knows he has some positions that deserve criticism, as all politicians do, but they will admit to nothing that could possibly be positive about McCain. Yet, when a poll like the latest Newsweek poll shows Obama winning by 15% some have the balls to rail about the Republicans not getting their message out and McCain not doing enough.

Well Ya Know What - Fuck All Of You! McCain wasn't my first choice but we could have done a lot worse Grow the fuck up and try to make lemonade instead of bitching about how sour the lemons are. You people are really pissing me off!


Anonymous said...

they will admit to nothing that could possibly be positive about McCain.

The same exact thing can easily be said about John McCain and his attitudes towards conservatives, this isn't just conservatives acting sour. He hasn't compromised on one thing in conservatives' favor this election. He despises conservatives as people and as a philosophy. Conservatives are simply reflecting McCain's own hostility.

Chad said...

I wrote that after reading a piece in which some guy spent two paragraphs bitching about John McCain and how no real conservative could support him and then complaining about his lack of fund raising in regards to Obama's announcement.

I disagree with you about whether McCain is trying to piss conservatives off or not but I also know from long weeks of trying that it is pointless to try and convince anyone.

Here is what's important to me -

The War
The Economy

McCain is strong on the war, has said that he will appoint Alito / Roberts type justices and has a much better economic plan than the Dems. On illegal immigration I am one of those who thinks legalization is the better answer for the vast majority of those here; although I support building the fence first, which McCain has said he will do.

Finally who picked the fight. As I recall it was bloggers and Talk Radio by referring to McCain as McAmnesty and a lot of other vaguely remember nastiness that started before McCain ever made his shut up comments about the immigration bill.

People can have legitimate complaints about McCain's policies. I agree with some disagree with most but I am not trying to say you have to support him or agree with him. Just be consistent.