Thursday, May 15, 2008

California Supreme Court Knocks Down Law Preventing Gay Marriage

My first reaction - Who cares? I know that's wrong though a lot of people care a lot.

I support the full equivalent to marriage for gays or even gay marriage so the ruling was a non-issue for me, some of the people I work with though were really twisted out of shape and I am sure that the talk radio types will be out in full force tomorrow.

The thread over at Ace of Spades was getting a little heated too. Big words like amoral and miscegenation were flowing like water. A lot of the arguments were based on maintaining a moral society which always makes me a little nervous. The need to preserve the pure moral society is often one of the talking points of would be dictators.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, see, I don't really care about the morality of it, I'm more worried about them deciding to legalize something. I think their role should be confined to declaring laws constitutional or not, and if its unconstitutional, throw the legislation out and tell the legislature to go back to the drawing board.