Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back to the important things in life - Ewa Sonnet

Over the past couple of days I have solved the fuel crisis, homelessness, prison overcrowding and the illegal immigration problem as well as asking people to contemplate whether the US may indeed be preparing for an attack on Iran?

I also wanted to address this issue of oil speculation and price fixing that Becky raised. I agree with her that speculation has driven the price of crude to unrealistic levels (which is one reason OPEC doesn't want to raise production. They are afraid that the bubble will burst like in the 90's and all that investment will be worthless), but I disagree with her on just about every other point in he post. Unfortunately I am not an economist or a good enough writer to counter her assertions.

But be that as it may it is now time for the important things in life - A new Ewa Sonnet video.

1 comment:

Kchrpm said...

Glad to see someone has his priorities straight!