Monday, April 21, 2008

Solving two (or more) problems at once the AoS lifestyle way

I'm a problem solver (not really but it sounds impressive when you say it), and I am also a member of the moronosphere so when I saw this article on biofuel production at instapundit it started me thinking.

"Self", says I, "how can we help solve the current fuel crisis in an environmentally friendly way that still leaves plenty of corn available for the production of whiskey and tasty treats like corn dogs and fritos? In addition (yes I really said that in my head)how do we do it in a way that wont take 5 to 30 years to develop?"

I pondered this for a little while and realized that like my solution to global warming (set off nukes to increase particulate matter in the atmosphere thereby cooling the earth) the answer is really pretty simple and in keeping with the AoS lifestyle - Render down hobos / homeless people for fat then convert that to biodiesel. When we run out of the hobos and the homeless we can switch to violent felony offenders and illegal immigrants.

Ta-da Multiple problems solved.

I will be awaiting my Nobel prize.

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