Friday, February 23, 2007

If we're so stupid how did we end up so prosperous?

A new entry in the ongoing quest to show the inherent inferiority of western civilization today. From the BBC:
Advanced geometry of Islamic art

A study of medieval Islamic art has shown some of its geometric patterns use principles established centuries later by modern mathematicians.

Researchers in the US have found 15th Century examples that use the concept of quasicrystalline geometry.

This indicates intuitive understanding of complex mathematical formulae, even if the artisans had not worked out the underlying theory, the study says.

I think it's interesting that somehow the artisans involved in this work made these very complex patterns. What pisses me off though is the way it was presented in the article. The implication being "Oh look what deep thinkers these people were, while Europeans were still marvelling that fire was hot." We all know that Islamic civilization was very advanced about a billion years ago, but let's face it they stalled and while they may make a comeback it isn't going to happen for awhile.

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