Saturday, February 11, 2006

The battle of the sexes rages on...

Found via Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey

This article on proper toilet seat positioning, as determined by game theory mathematics tells me two things:

1. This guy either has way too much time on his hands, or a real nutbuster of a girlfriend. I am betting on the latter, if it was too much time he probably would be surfing internet porn or blog sites. He and his girlfriend probably had a huge screaming fight about this, and instead of telling her to either live with it or pack her shit and get out; he went all passive aggressive and wrote a doctoral thesis on where to put the toilet seat.

2. He is wrong in his conclusion (remark 6). The cost of 2C may be imposed on both parties if both parties use the toilet for all operations. Men can reduce the cost by:

a. Peeing in the shower.
b. Using the sink for urinary operations.
c. Using an empty gatorade bottle for urine containment. The cost can be further reduced in this method by capping the bottle and leaving it for Marsha to dispose of.
d. Pissing on the side of the house before coming in from work.

Because of this a truly determined male can insure there is not equitable solution in terms of energy cost.

Even funnier than the original article are the comments at Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey's page.

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