Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Stranger - Books - Feature - Three Radicals

The Stranger - Books - Feature - Three Radicals

Occasionally in a fit of self-hate I read "The Stranger", the Seattle Alternative weekly. Usually it is nothing more than a bunch of whiny people complaining about how we aren't communist enough yet how the local music scene sucks, and that they can't do the drugs they want. Occasionally by accident something worthwhile sneaks in. That was the case this week with the review of Paul Berman's book "Power and the Idealists". The opening paragraph says it all:

A few years back, after a prolonged immersion in American Protestant fundamentalism (I was writing a book), I moved from the U.S. to Western Europe, ready to bask in an open, secular, liberal culture. Instead I discovered that European social democracy, too, was a kind of fundamentalism, rigid and doctrinaire, yielding what Swedish writer Johan Norberg calls "one-idea states"—nations where an echo chamber of insular elites calls the shots, where monochrome media daily reiterate statist mantras and shut out contrarian views, and where teachers and professors systematically misrepresent the U.S. (millions of Europeans believe that free public schools, unemployment insurance, and pensions are unknown in America). The more I saw of the European elites' chronic distrust of the public, and the public's habitual deference to those elites, the fonder I grew of the nasty, ridiculous rough-and-tumble of American democracy, in which every voice is heard—even if, as a result, the U.S. gets capital punishment and Europe gets gay marriage.

Anyone who has had any dealings with the EU knows how true this is.

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