Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Some thoughts on being a Republican

This morning I caught a little bit of the Alito hearings. Specifically the part where that turdeater Arlen Specter was questioning him. All of the questions centered around Griswold vs. Conneticut, Roe vs. Wade, and Casey vs. Planned Parenthood. Judge Alito handled the questions well I think, although when Specter stated that the right of a woman to chose had become a cherished part of American life I almost gagged. Not because I think abortion is or should be the driving issue in American politics; but because if it is such a cherished part of American life then why do 60+ percent of the American people think there should be some reasonable restrictions, such as parental notification for teenagers?

Anyway that got me to thinking about what the Republican party is or wants to be. The GOP claims to be a big tent party with room for all different viewpoints, and to a large extent I think that is right. There are many Republican politicians who are anti-death penalty, pro-choice, etc. Again all that is almost immaterial too me too me this is what defines being a Republican:

1. Emphasis on the individual and his accomplishments, rather than on the group and their percieve injustices.
2. A belief that governmnet shoul be as small as possible and as local as possible.
3. A belief in fiscal conservatism

There it is my definition of what should bind the Republican party together. Unfortunately I more and more seem to be alone in this definition, or at least the Reupblican leadership doesn't seem to be living up to it.

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