Thursday, March 25, 2021

What I Am Reading 3/25/2021

 IT Security Guru - Engineer punished for reporting data leak -

Security engineer Rob Dyke recently reported a data leak to the Apperta Foundation, which is a non-profit, supported by NHS England and NHS Digital. The organisation thanked him for responsible reporting, however later ‘thanked him’ with legal correspondence and police intervention. 

Al Jazeera - Big Tech chiefs face fresh grilling over misinformation -

As malicious conspiracy theories continue to spread, lawmakers are pounding the social media companies over their market dominance, harvesting of user data and practices that some believe actually encourage the spread of engaging but potentially harmful misinformation. Some Republicans have also alleged, without proof, that censorship and political bias against conservatives are another reason to rein in the enormous firms.

The Register - Whatever 'normal' is, global CEOs don't expect to see it return before 2022 and are ploughing funds into security

KPMG's latest survey of global CEOs shows widespread belief that the remote-working trend will linger into 2022 as the world gets to grip with COVID-19.

Almost half (45 per cent) of bosses surveyed by the accountancy biz said they don't expect a return to "normal" by next year. A further third (31 per cent) were more upbeat, expecting normality to be restored by the end of this year.


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