Network Forensics Tracking Hackers Through Cyberspace
Worlds by Joe Haldeman
Bloomberg - Maybe Global Supply Chains Were a Bad Idea -
Transporting parts from country A to country B is an obstacle course that seems to only get more complicated. If the trade war showed the risks of globalized supply-chains, the coronavirus may solidify that business model as a liability.
While some factories have started to come back on line, many remain closed as China tries to contain a respiratory illness that has already killed more than 2,000 people.
This isn't really new. I think it is just that the FBI has now joined in with NIST and DHS.
Citylab - How to Make a Housing Crisis -
Dougherty’s new book provides a comprehensive account of the origins of California’s housing crisis, illuminating the many places where it hides in plain sight—in contract cities, in tax law, in shifting cultural trends, in structural economic transformations, as well as in the annals of policy and planning. Dougherty applies a similarly wide lens to the diverse activists who have emerged to challenge the housing status quo, leaving readers hopeful for the future of a broader housing movement—if perhaps also a bit overwhelmed by it.ZDNet - Cybersecurity: Hacking victims are uncovering cyberattacks faster - and GDPR is the reason why -
Analysis of cyberattacks by researchers at cybersecurity company FireEye reveals that the median dwell time from the start of an intrusion to it being identified has fallen from 177 days last year to 54 days now -- a 70% decrease.
"The buzz around the topic leading up to the GDPR deadline helped to get it in front of senior execs outside of the IT team. Many of them saw the importance of GDPR compliance and they supported measures to improve defences and breach identification," Grout said.This one got added after I initially published but it was interesting so I updated.
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