What I am reading 2/17/2020
In a decision
on Feb. 10, US district judge William Alsup wrote that for decades
employers have forced arbitration clauses and class-action waivers,
taking away their right to go to court and to sue collectively. “The
irony, in this case, is that the workers wish to enforce the very
provisions forced on them…,” he noted.
The Register -
How the US-China trade war is felt stateside: Xilinx trims workforce after lucrative Huawei sales pipe blocked -
While the notice does not require companies to state the reason for the layoffs, a spokesperson for Xilinx told The Register the trim was necessary as the FPGA biz recovers from losing Huawei's business after the US government banned
the Chinese goliath from buying American components and software.
Xilinx applied for licenses to ship parts to Huawei, and was denied, cutting off a sizable revenue stream: $50m a quarter prior to the ban-hammer coming down.
CSO Magazine -
5 things you should know about cybersecurity insurance -
Are we there yet? No. We don't even fully understand cybersecurity
risk and how to measure it, much less create meaningful actuarial
science to ensure against such risk. A lot of smart people are working
on the problem, and as we generate more data, the delta of known
unknowns will narrow in turn.
Your enterprise probably needs a
good cyber insurance policy. It's a smart part of a balanced risk
management diet, but it's not a magic wand, and you can only pass some
of the buck. The rest of the work remains in-house, like it or not.
Slashdot -
Uber and Lyft are Creating Traffic Not Reducing It -
Rather than the apps becoming a model of algorithm-driven efficiency, drivers in major cities cruise for fares without passengers an estimated 40% of the time.
Multiple studies show that Uber and Lyft have pulled people away from
buses, subways and walking, and that the apps add to the overall amount
of driving in the U.S. A study published last year by San Francisco
County officials and University of Kentucky researchers in the journal
Science Advances found that over 60% of the slowdown of traffic speeds
in San Francisco between 2010 and 2016 was due to the introduction of
the ride-hail companies..
Reuters -
Trump kicks off Daytona 500 race with limo loop, Air Force One flyby -
After meeting people at the speedway and delivering brief remarks,
Trump kicked off the race by announcing to the drivers: “Gentlemen,
start your engines!”
Engines revved, and Trump got back into the
limo with his wife, Melania, for a lap around the track, with the race
cars following behind. Some fans chanted “Four more years” while Trump
was there.
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