Friday, January 31, 2020

What I'm Reading 1/31/2020

I figured first we'd start with some music today, because it feels like one of those days

Belmont Club - A Thousand Ways to Get Sold Out -
The virus outbreak and the Thousand Talents affair will add fuel to arguments that naive globalization has been all about the elites making a killing at the expense of ordinary citizens.  The amorality went both ways.  If China had a Thousand Talents scheme in the US the financial industry had  'Sons and Daughters' program in 2016.
 Al-Jazeera - Is Huawei a threat to cybersecurity? -

25 minute video 

KTLA - CA Lost More Manufacturing Jobs to China Than Any Other State; L.A. and Bay Area Hit Hard: Report -
The study, based on the latest U.S. Census Bureau, and Labor Department data, calculated that among the congressional districts that lost the most jobs to China, six of the top 10 were in California. Four of those districts were in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley — the 15th, 17th, 18th and 19th districts — where 80% or more of the lost jobs were in the computer and electronics sector.
Sydney Morning Herald - As China pushes into Pacific, Japan unveils long game in the region -
Unlike China’s BRI, which focuses on infrastructure and trade, Japan aims to support both hard infrastructure - ports, roads, schools - as well as “soft” infrastructure including refining local legal systems and social services such as health, medicine and education.
Infosec Institute - SEC Shares Cybersecurity and Resiliency Observations -
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) this week published a report detailing cybersecurity and operational resiliency practices that market participants have adopted. 
The 10-page document (PDF) contains observations from the SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) that are designed to help other organizations improve their cybersecurity stance.

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