Friday, November 12, 2010

Want a laugh?

Go see 4 Lions.

I had never heard of the film until earlier this week when Robert Horton from the Everett Herald reviewed it and described it as having a Monty Python like appeal; I figured if anyone could make suicide bombers funny it would be Monty Python so I went tonight and I laughed my butt off.   The entire film is just absurd, from the would be mujahedeen whose entire knowledge of the Koran comes from a book called “The Cat Who Went To Mosque”, to the fanatic who claims, spark plugs are a Jewish conspiracy to control global transportation, to the storage container that is internationally recognized as Egyptian territory for the purposes of questioning suspects.  There is a larger point being made about disaffection among the Muslim population in Britain but it isn’t overbearing.  The best absurdist humor I have seen in quite awhile.  HINT- Stay for the credits the is some extra goodness there.

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