Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Worst day of World of Warcraft ever

I was playing my level 80 Hunter today running some heroics with pick up groups.  First two went OK.  I am not one of these guys who runs every heroic everyday but I have been thru almost all of them a couple times so the first two went OK (Trial of Champions and Forge of Souls), but the third, (Pit of Saron), SUCKED.  It sucked from the beginning actually.  The group leader wasn’t marking who she wanted killed first, as near as I can tell the rogue wasn’t sapping (maybe the saps were ineffective), people kept leaving (to grab a new bowl of weed or drop a ‘shroom according to party chat) and worst of all the healer wasn’t healing me.  maybe I pissed her off or something, so I am trying to DPS, use my healing potions, keep my pet alive, eat and drink to keep mana and health up and keep up with the group.  It blew.  Meanwhile I died two times I was rezzed, the third the healer said she wasn’t going too, OK great, I have never died in the Pit of Saron before I actually didn’t know the way back from the graveyard.  I asked for directions and the party leader just said to go on without me.  They did and everyone wiped again, meanwhile she is getting pissed at me because of the 2nd party wipe.  I finally told her either help me out or kick me.  No answer and they wiped again, so I left the party.  I am sure I am now blacklisted.

Oh and Blizzard did the second wave of Beta invites last night and dissed me again.  Like I said worst day of WoW ever.

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