Thursday, August 06, 2009

Around the Moronosphere 8/6/09

Ace - Two from the head moron this morning Obama: Hey, Lefty Bloggers, Here are Some Poll-Tested Talking Points I Want You to Push (and By the Way, Call My Opponents "Astroturfers" in a Coordinated, Message-Disciplined Manner) and the related Tele-Turfing: Democrats, Fearing Contact with Genuine Americans, Turn to "Tele-Town-Halls," Where It's Invitation-Only and They Control the Attendees and Their Questions

The idea here is to restrict access to the townhalls so that the congressmen can claim that constituents have heard voiced little to no dissent and prevent youtube videos from appearing contradicting them while at the same time putting on a full court press portraying people like me as being in the employ of major insurance companies. Hey major insurance companies! - If I am your paid stooge how about sending me a check.

Flopping Aces - FINALLY, Americans Approve Of Bush’s Foreign Policy

President Obama has chosen to continue President Bush’s policies regarding Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. He’s “tried” to talk to Iran but it’s not like he’s flown there himself to really reach out.

Only foreign policy offered a bright spot: 52 percent of poll respondents approved of his job on this front, compared with 38 percent who disapproved.

I made this same point quite a while ago regarding gay marriages most of the gays I know assured me it was a completely different situation because Obama is a democrat. I assume the same logic applies here

Slashdot - Bing Search Tainted By Pro-Microsoft Results

Advarks and Asshats - 159 Years ago California became a state -

The people had no electricity.
The state had no money.
Almost everyone spoke Spanish.
There were gunfights in the streets.

So basically nothing has changed, except back then the women had real breasts and the men didn’t hold hands.

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