Monday, July 13, 2009

Around the Moronosphere in 60 minutes 7/13/09

I had some time so here we go with the first moronosphere round-up in awhile:

Ace: Premortem on the Sotomayor Hearings:

Doubleplusundead: What would happen if North Korea tried to Attack Hawaii with a missile. Amusing, but given our current leadership I think the more likely outcome would be weeping and showering the Norks with money.

Michelle Malkin: CNN gets fact-checked by an African journalist

Powerline: How Ricci almost disappeared. It was just a fluke that one of the judges read an article about it in the New Haven paper and looked it up after the summary judgment had been filed. It certainly sounds like Sotomayor et. al. knew they were being sleazy and tried to hide it from the rest of the court.

Slashdot: Traditional news media is 2.5 hours faster than blogs in breaking stories.

"The researchers' paper, 'Meme-tracking and the Dynamics of the News Cycle,' (PDF) shows that although most news flowed from the traditional media to the blogs, 3.5 percent of story lines originated in the blogs and later made their way to traditional media."

The Art of Manliness: 100 Must See Movies: The Essential Men's Movie Library

The Belmont Club: Falling approval ratings equals need for investigations of Bush administration?

“Call me a cynic, but I am not in the least surprised that a couple of weeks after Barack Obama’s strong approval/disapproval ratings took a turn to the unfavorable and Obamacare is looking less like a lead pipe cinch it is suddenly time to investigate the Bush administration.”


Obama’s Grand Bargain is a black box. One day the public may even get to peek at what’s inside and who can say what their reaction will be. The dilemma facing the administration’s political strategists is that once the administration begins to lose political momentum, a hundred niggling points will suddenly start to catch on the previous Teflon-coated surface with all the tenacity of velcro, which they can’t let happen. On the other hand, how can they speed up to conceal the blemishes unless the critics can be silenced or at least misdirected?

The Other McCain: Smitty has a few questions for Judge Sotomayor

But I'd also ask what she thought of President Obama's judicial philosophy, as expressed in Audacity of Hope. In that book, then-Senator Obama criticized "strict constructionism" and its adherents. He wrote:

Some, like Justice Scalia, conclude that the Founding Fathers will tell us all that we need to know, and that if we strictly obey the rules they've laid out -- for example, that the only rights protected in the Constitution are those that are written in plain English as understood by those who wrote them -- then democracy is respected, and fairness is achieved.

Just A Girl in Short Shorts: Beware of Googlers Bearing Gifts

BBC- Power sockets can be used to eavesdrop on what people type on a computer. This is actually a pretty well know phenomenom. It's one reason why Tempest rooms have such strict requirements for power supplies

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