1. Lord of Chaos - Wheel of Time Book Six (re-reading the series)
2. Crown of Swords - Wheel of Time Book 7
3. The Docker Book: Containerization is the new virtualization
4. Chris Bryant's CCNA Study Guide Volume 1 (CCENT)
5. Sold Out: How High Tech Billionares & Bipartisan Beltway Crapweasels Are Screwing America's Best and Brightest
6. Neuromancer - re-read since my niece was reading it for school.
7. The Practice of Network Security Monitoring: Understanding Network Incident Detection and Response
8. Path of Daggers - Wheel of Time Book 8
9. Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus
10. Disrupted
11. Lauren Ipsum
12. Iterating Grace
13. Naked Money - Highly recommended
14 NIST SP 800-53 - Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations.
15. Ghost Fleet - re-read given that it tends to tie in with news stories like this "China to increase defence spending by '7-8%' in 2016 - official ", this "The US Navy changes rules to allow sailors more tattoos" and this "The Navy's Stealthy DDG 1000 Begins "Acceptance Trials"
18. Dead Man's Debt - 3rd book in the Poor Man's Fight series, not near as good as the first two.
19. Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming The Economy And How To Make Them Work For You
20. Industries of the Future
21. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement
22. Critical Chain
23. It's Not Luck
24. The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps and Helping Your Business Win - Reread
A note about 21, 22, 23, and 24 - I originally read 24 as part of a suggested reading list I found thru some school project. I was in the Navy during the Total Quality Leadership fiasco of the 80's / 90s. Reading The Phoenix Project started to turn me on to just how poorly implemented that process was. They took an industrial process management technique and tried to apply it to everything, which was ridiculous. After that my interest was piqued about The Goal which is mentioned numerous times in The Phoenix Project. That got me going on the other two. I don't want to seem like a zealot but if you are working in a business IT environment, I recommend all 4 books as at least a way to consider some alternate management paths.
25. NIST 800-82 - Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security
26. Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley
27. Practical Leadership - for school, not very worthwhile.
28. iPremier: Denial of Service Attack (Graphic Novel) - A Harvard Business Review case study about a denial of service attack. There are three parts A, B, C. It's not very good, with some (I think fundamental misunderstandings about basic technology and services). The artwork is hilarious, everyone in the IT department looks like either a superhero or a supermodel and acts like James Bond. If you can find a copy for free read it otherwise don't bother.
29. The Mandibles: A Family 2029-2047
30. Monster Hunter Alpha
31. Monster Hunter Grunge
32. Monster Hunter Sinners
33. Infomacracy
34. Winter's Heart - Wheel of Time Book 9
35. Crossroads of Twilight - Wheel of Time Book 10
36. The Rise and Fall of American Growth
37. The Failure of Risk Management
38. Alliance of Shadows - Dead Six Book 3
39. The Grid - Highly Recommended
40. Jennifer Government
41. Agent of the Imperium - Bleh
42. Broken Trust
43. Blood Father
44. The Perfect Thing
Added two more in the last week and something
45. Cyberpunk Trashcan - I was turned on to this book by Chris over at Carnifex.org. It is frickin' hilarious.
46. Scrum: A Breathtakingly Brief and Agile Introduction - Just made me hate the people who dream these damn project management systems up all over again. (Maybe this one shouldn't count because according to Amazon it's only 54 pages, but on my Kindle on the train it sure seemed like 500 (boring))
Fell a little short of the one book per week mark :-(
2017 started today and I have already selected my first two books - Ted Koppel's Light's Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath. I figure it is a good way to start in light of the Vermont Utility being successfully(?) compromised, and 11th Hour CISSP
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