On Wednesday night, the California DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) issued a statement saying it would revoke the registrations of 16 cars owned by Uber, which the company had been using to test its self-driving system. The DMV said that “the registrations were improperly issued for these vehicles because they were not properly marked as test vehicles.”Well, it's about time someone stood up to them. Personally I think the "gig economy" is about to start crumbling and this may be one of the first signs.
The Register - How Rogue One's Imperial stormtroopers SAVED Star Wars and restored order -
And that’s why Rogue One beats Force Awakens. Because the stormtroopers say where Star Wars is. The stormtroopers are once again faceless, nameless goons, bossing people around, getting their throats cut, and serving as cannon fodder. And Star Wars is back to being a battle between humanity and the very, very bad guys.
Order is restored.®
Recode - Kara Swisher: In 2017, journalists ‘have to be tougher on everybody.’ -
Kafka noted that, according to Axios co-founder Jim VandeHei, Trump’s America eyes the media with suspicion and resents being told that their opinions about same-sex marriage and transgender bathroom rights are wrong. Too bad, Swisher replied.
"It doesn’t matter," she said. "People said the exact same things about interracial marriages. They’re wrong. I don’t want to reach across the aisle on that issue. They’re 100 percent wrong, and history will bear this out."I said the same thing to Swisher on Twitter yesterday, I didn't get the Too Bad reply, but then again I am a nobody. The problem with Swisher's reply is that without that basic trust between the journalist and the people they are trying to reach then your message about things like gay marriage is lost. (And I agree on that issue) People are complaining about fake news, this is how you get fake news - present a group as essentially worthless to society, and ridicule their concerns for years. Then act surprised when they embrace alternatives. You deserve Trump at that point.
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