The average salary for a professional with CPT certification varies according to the designation or job role. The median salary of a CPT certified tester is $71,660.
Experience in pen testing can be highly rewarding in terms of salary hikes and job roles. Those with experience in both network security and penetration testing always get preference and the median salary for a tester with 10 years of experience would be around $108,600.
Of course this article was provide by a groups that sells Certified Penetration Testing training so take it for what it's worth.
The salary of candidates varies according to job role and experience. A candidate with less than a 1 year experience will get around $50,649 and this it will increase to $75,850 with 10 years of experience or even more.
The same disclaimer as above applies
Valleywag - Silicon Valley Is Going to Have a Talent Problem -
Mother Jones dug into the numbers behind the tech industry's male-dominated pipeline for engineers.
I am not sure that the chart shown reflects what the title claims, but it's a gawker site so what can you expect. I went over and gave the Mother Jones article a quick look and it seems to be a multi-page imploration for coding literacy (again), although with a slight twist - computational thinking rather than actual coding - but again I am not sure that the data shows what the title of this article is claiming. Specifically I am not sure that is shows a dire need for workforce diversity now! (Not that I am against workplace diversity, just that I think the conclusions here are being misargued.) That said this was a pretty long article and I had to give it a fast read so maybe I missed something.
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