Sunday, November 15, 2009

I have been saying for years that George Soros is up to something nefarious

Now some other people are picking up on it:

At some point it would be nice if there was a decent amount of transparency around what Soros is doing; if he genuinely believes in open societies, he ought to lead it, but since he doesn't - perhaps a decent journalistic project would be to connect the dots and create a map of his involvement in US and foreign affairs.

My hackles go up not only because of the notion that a reclusive, ideological billionaire has decided to reshape the American polity, but because that billionaire makes his billions in part by investing based on changes in international markets - which are in turn effected by national and international politics.


I am positive but can't prove that George Soros is behind the current economic collapse in the US. Here is how I see it:

  • Soros hated George W. Bush.

  • "The Ownership Society" was a major portion of Bush's policy agenda.

  • Soros recognized that the housing market was becoming speculative and that it would be easy to cause a collapse by causing a rise in inflation which would would force the fed to raise interest rates. This would cause many of the ARM mortgages to rise and begin forcing people into foreclosure.

    • He did this by running up the price of oil through speculation

  • I believe like many (most) others Soros underestimated the damage that would be caused by Credit Default Swaps. He was expecting a minor recessions, enough to help the liberals secure power, and we ended up with the "Great Recession".

like I said I can't prove this but I would love to see some digging by the media.


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