Sunday, October 25, 2009

An Update

In my post this morning I linked to a Little Green Football's post which, based on a Talking Point Memo DC post, accused Fox of lying about being excluded from an interview. From the comments of that thread:

"You know that story that was on Fox News yesterday, claiming that Fox had been excluded from a “roundtable” interview with pay czar Ken Feinberg?

And then (according to Fox News) all the other networks stood up and said, “If Fox isn’t there, we’re not going to be there! We’re all Fox News now!”

Well, turns out it didn’t exactly happen that way."

Apparantly, according to HuffPo, it did happen that way.

According to the article at the Huffington Post Fox did request an interview,was excluded, and then when the media pool insisted they be given time they were punished by having their time cut by more than half. The Huffington Post has people actually talking on the record so that adds a little credibility.

Clemente said that when Isham presented that scenario on a conference call with the other pool members — including Fox News — "they unanimously said, instantly, no, that's not gonna fly. Either Fox is in or none of us is doing it."

Once Isham relayed that message to Treasury, Treasury cleared it with White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, who approved Feinberg's interview with Fox News' Major Garrett.

Clemente said, however, that there was now a catch: every network would get two minutes with Feinberg instead of the previously planned five.

"That's not very normal," he said. "I'm told that whoever was there was absolutely militaristic about the time limit. Usually two or four or five minutes means, 'Ask your last question,' with a little flexibility. But there was none."

The last correction has been up for over 6 hours and Charles Johnson has made no correction to his original post. Far below the standards he holds others too, such as when racist comment were posted by one of his minions at Hot Air. They were posted in the middle of the night but Hot Air was castigated by Johnson and his followers because they were not immediately removed. Nice double standard.


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