Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Around the Moronosphere 9/22/09

Ace - McChrystal to reign if not given more troops for Afghanistan - Central Front in the War on Terror abandoned

Hot Air - Exclusive: CBO predicts Social Security cash deficits in 2010-11 - Score another one for Bush

Slashdot - Bringing Convenience and Open Source Methods to Higher Education- As you know I am a big proponent of this. I just wish it would happen faster

Belmont Club - Plan B for Afghanistan - sounds like we are screwed

Rightwingsparkle - Introducing the Americano-

Gingrich Communications, owned by Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, has launched a bilingual site for American Hispanics with a different take on news and opinion. "The Americano" offers a more balanced view on all the issues that concern American Hispanics today. It is a site for Hispanics to read and discuss similar traditional principles. News Hispanics can use!

I foresee a lot of opposition from the Malkinites but I say this is a good move

Word Around the Net - We were jut trying to help - This is why any government program should be viewed with skepticism

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