Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What the Hell?

On Sunday I posted about Dan Riehl's and R.S. McCain's investigation of Alaskan blogger Jesse Griffin. In the post I stated my disgust at the insinuation that Griffin was a child molester. McCain posted the next day that I had misinterpreted their intentions. I told McCain at that point that I accepted his explanation but still had questions Riehl's intentions. I apologized to McCain and was basically ready to move on other than making a couple comments on Riehl's and McCain's sites. I wasn't going to post on the subject again.

Yesterday McCain and Riehl posted their latest on Jesse Griffin. This time it contained none of the material I had found objectionable. (specifically the insinuations of Riehl's 8/6/09 post.) I didn't think the material was tied together and I found a couple errors but nothing that made my blood boil and I like McCain so I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Riehl though....

He announced yesterday that he would be doing some media on his latest revelations. This morning he had video posted and I watched the interviews. Almost immediately in the interview on Breitbart TV he insinuates again that Griffin is a child molester walking right up to the line and then backing off at one point saying he didn't want to get sued and in another saying that an unnamed expert assured him that Griffin was following the pattern that molesters follow but he didn't have any actual proof so it wouldn't be fair to make the accusation.

So what the hell? If you actually have evidence the guy is a child molester call the cops and have him arrested! If you don't hiding behind the I am just asking questions not drawing conclusions bullshit is just that - bullshit!

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