Thursday, May 14, 2009

I HATED Star Trek !!!!!!!

Let me start out by saying I am not a Trek purist. I don't engage in the who was the better Captain wars (although it was Kirk), I am not fanatical about Rodenberry's vision of the future, I just liked the show. Next generation not so much, Voyager had potential but ended up stuuuuupid, the later seasons of DS9 were pretty good and the few episodes of Enterprise I watched I enjoyed.

That said I really hated this movie. I had suspected I would since seeing the trailers, but I really did try and give it a fair chance.

Being fair it had some good parts. The opening scene was awesome, and the effects were excellent. Not just the effects I thought the visual design was superb too.

The two things that just grated on me though were:

a. The story - It was just a retard story. Yes it gave the backdrop for the series reboot but there were other ways to accomplish that. It was just an excuse to have Kirk running around acting impulsive and not very Kirk like.

b. The characters. The actors didn't fit the characters they were playing. Not only that but there was no chemistry between them. It was painful to watch them try and recreate the banter from the original series. especially McCoy's character. I was actually gritting my teeth as the actor delivered the lines. The one exception - Simon Pegg as Scotty. He was great. No James Doohan of course but he fit the role well.

Anyway that's my take on it.

One last thing the girl who plays the green alien chick also plays Scarlett in the upcoming GI Joe movie. She is hot even painted green.

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