Sunday, May 17, 2009

Around the Moronosphere in 60 Minutes 5/17/09

Cold Fury - Waterboard Pelosi - "It’s the only way we’ll ever find out what this hardened, recalcitrant liar knew, and when she knew it."

Powerline - Seven Days in May - "Nancy Pelosi has given us Seven Days in May with a difference. The CIA has exposed Pelosi's prevarication and ineptitude."

Seven Days in May may have been a liberal fantasy but as I recall it was also a pretty good book

Wizbang - News Flash: Polar Ice Caps Not Melting - James Delingpole brings us the news that a team of global warming explorers headed up to the North Pole to bring attention to all the damage global warming is wreaking on the polar ice caps. Sadly, they ran into a variety of problems that subfreezing temperatures tend to cause, one of which was they found that the ice caps are not melting but - shock!- are freezing.

My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy - um, a pole dancing competition? - Anyway, the purpose of a pole dance is to be sexy, but when this woman is holding herself on the pole just by her legs, all I can think is, go to bed with her and she’ll cut you in half. It’s not so much a stripper dance as it is the Mrs. Charles Atlas body builders trying to be hot.

Obviously Chris hasn't spent much time in strip clubs, or they were pretty crappy ones if he has.

Protein Wisdom - “Critics Still Haven’t Read the ‘Torture’ Memos” - Why read the memos when it's so much easier to just spout off?

The Habitation of Justice - From a Rock Star to a Nobody: Why My Social Life Peaked at Kindergarten - Old but I just saw it

The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday - Even though I got totally dissed in the Rule 2 Reach Around yesterday, I made Rule 5 today so all is forgiven.

Thats pretty much it off to do homework now.

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