Hot Air - Sotomayor: Courts are where policy is made - Sotomayor is one of the leading contenders for the vacancy David Souter is leaving on the Supreme Court. I agree with Allahpundit that every time a court makes a decision policy is made and getting upset about that reality is stupid, but listen to the video and she goes beyond that advocating legislating from the bench. She does throw in the standard disclaimer but in my opinion it's obvious she doesn't mean it, just listen to the laughter as she says it. That philosophy is unacceptable.
Patterico - Sotomayor again - "With that in mind, savor this clip of Judge Sotomayor saying that “Court of Appeals is where policy is made” — followed by a quick “D’oh!” moment as she realizes she’s on tape, at which point she backtracks in a rather lame and insincere fashion:"
Stop the ACLU - Hatin’ On the GOP, The National Council for a New America and YOU - Comes at my point about social conservatives being excluded from the National Council for a New America from the other direction. Same conclusion, they have to be part of the conversation.
D=S - Rabbis Call On Government To Protect Israeli Men From The “Shiksa” Threat - - "OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (AFP, Israeli rabbis want authorities to reduce the number of foreign female workers entering the Jewish state because the country’s male employers are being seduced by their charms, which poses a risk to Jewish women, a report said on Monday."
and people wonder why conservatives worry that government might become too big and invasive. If the Jewish women feel neglected they can give me a call. Especially Natalie Portman I would score big geek points there for doing Darth Vaders wife and Princess Leia's mom.
Becky - A Libertarian Guide to Souter's Replacement -
Out West - Kate Beckinsale makes a good case for drinking Diet Coke - Why Coke isn't using that picture as an ad I don't know.
Support Your Local Gunfighter - Adult Film Star Wants To Run For Senate - "And why not? She can’t be any more incompetent or morally bankrupt than any other senator in Washington, D.C., right?"
We talked about this a bit yesterday but Wyatt has a bikini picture
The Other McCain - The Demographics of Dhimmitude - The video RSM is linking is a little scary. Not because I give a shit is someone is Muslim or not as long as they don't want to kill me, but because so far there hasn't been much assimilation and there is a lot of radicalization going on in the Mosques of Europe. I recommend Tom Kratman's Caliphate as a good novel on this subject.
Other Stuff:
Al-Jazeera - Pakistan Taliban pact under strain - Beheading Government officials tends to cause that. I have to show you guys how this appeared in my RSS feed:
In the running for best headline ever
BBC - Buffett attacks tests for banks - US investor Warren Buffett has hit out at the government's "stress tests" of US banks, saying they do not properly assess the industry's health.
CNN - Iraq sticking with U.S. withdrawal plan despite attacks - BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq's government said Sunday it won't extend a June deadline for U.S. combat troops to leave Iraqi cities despite concerns about ongoing attacks in cities like Mosul. - Their decision and at this point we can't be accused of cutting and running. I think al-Qaeda will be a little harder pressed to make propaganda hay out of this than Somalia. They will try but it will be harder.
Fox News - 50 years of Geek Goddesses.
Washington Post - Detainee Compromises Likely - The fear that some Guantanamo cases are not prosecutable in federal court has sharpened debate within the Obama administration about the need to maintain military commissions, in which the rules of evidence are less stringent, according to sources involved in the discussions. Obama criticized such tribunals during the campaign, but some of his top officials, including Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, have said in recent days that the commissions remain an option.
and In India, Educated but Unemployable Youths - Graduates Find Schools Don't Foster Skills Needed for Changing Economy
Yahoo - Buffett sees end to recession, uncertain on timing - WASHINGTON – Billionaire Warren Buffett says the latest recession really shook up Americans' confidence but he sees the economic slide ending.
and Obama proposes big changes on business taxes. (and here) - As I read this it is essentially a tax increase on businesses with foreign operations. I don't think this is going to work out the way the Administration plans.
I especially like this part - throwing out the presumption of innocence:
Obama also planned to ask Congress to crack down on tax havens and implement a major shift in the way courts view guilt. Under Obama's proposal, Americans would have to prove they were not breaking U.S. tax laws by sending money to banks that don't cooperate with tax officials. It essentially would reverse the long-held assumption of innocence in U.S. courts.
Gotta Love it
blogs, moronosphere
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