Patterico's Pontifications - Mitch McConnell on Arlen Specter - "UPDATE: Mitch McConnell gets a lot closer to the truth: Well, obviously we are not happy that Senator Specter has decided to become a Democrat. He visited with me in my office late yesterday afternoon and told me quite candidly that he’d been informed by his pollster that it would be impossible for him to be re-elected in Pennsylvania as a Republican because he could not win the primary. And he was also informed by his pollster that he could not get elected as an Independent and indicated that he had decided to become a Democrat.
politics, Arlen Specter
Belmont Club: The Wizard War - "But that highlights another facet of cyberwarfare. Unlike physical war it is always taking place to a greater and lesser degree. Very often cyberattack and defense is conducted jointly with physical warfare.
War, Tech, Hacking
Nice Deb - Obama Tells Cardinal He’s Not Pro-Abortion - "I’m assuming he means that in a very loose, interpretive way, meaning, for instance, that if a baby is born as a result of a botched abortion, it’s okay to stick the baby in a soiled linen closet and let it die, and even though it would have been preferable for the baby to have died during the abortion, he’s not, strictly speaking, for either of those things."
Obama, politics
No Runny Eggs - Generic R beats Generic D - Rassmussen reports that, in the current generic Congressional horserace, the Republican would beat the Democrat 41%-38%. There are a bunch of caveats to this but when I read them all I see is - blah blah blah Republicans beat Dems blah blah blah.
Support Your Local Gunfighter - Woman Hires Stripper For Reunion - "Now before you go nuts, the woman hired the stripper to take her place. Zaniness follows." Because I care about you, the readers, so much I dug a little deeper and found a picture.

and video
Wachner actually kind of comes off as a bitch but it's still kind of funny
Sweasel - Arlen Sphincter -
The Brea Canyon Monument - South Korea Weird - "South Korean scientists say they have engineered four beagles that glow red using cloning techniques that could help develop cures for human diseases. The four dogs, all named "Ruppy" — a combination of the words "ruby" and "puppy" — look like typical beagles by daylight.
But they glow red under ultraviolet light, and the dogs' nails and abdomens, which have thin skins, look red even to the naked eye."
Other Stuff:
Al -Jazeera - Pakistan Regains Control of Buner - "Pakistani troops have regained control of the strategic town of Buner from the Taliban in the country's North West Frontier Province, a military spokesman has said.
War, War on Terror, Pakistan
Dawn - Taliban announce new Afghan "operation - "KANDAHAR: Afghanistan’s Taliban insurgents Wednesday threatened a new operation against international troops in response to a surge of thousands of extra US soldiers due in the coming weeks.
‘Operation Nasrat’ (Victory), to be launched on Tuesday, would also target Afghan officials and international diplomats with a wave of suicide bombings and attacks, claimed a statement from the extremist militia."
War, War on Terror, Pakistan
Yahoo - Beyonce skives off Vienna art museum tour - VIENNA (AFP) – US pop star Beyonce has angered a high-brow art museum in Vienna by sending a look-a-like to her own special personal tour of the museum, while she went shopping, according to newspaper reports here Wednesday. Stay Classy Beyonce
Washington Post - Nation's Report Card' Sees Gains in Elementary, Middle Schools - "Math and reading scores for 9- and 13-year-olds have risen since the 2002 enactment of No Child Left Behind, providing fuel to those who want to renew the federal law and strengthen its reach in high schools" (...) Former education secretary Margaret Spellings said the results vindicate former president George W. Bush's signature education initiative. The law focuses largely on elementary and middle schools, requiring annual testing in grades 3 through 8 and once in high school. "It shows that we are on the right track. It is not an accident. It is by design. It proves the policy principle," Spellings said. "Accountability is working. Where we've paid attention, grades 3 through 8, we are getting the best results. Where we have paid less attention, high school, we're not." But this can't be right!!! The NEA has told us that testing and teacher accountability don't work. Time to roll out liberal talking point #1 - George Bush is pure evil
Seattle Times - Reports: Autistic people share gene variation - Researchers have found genetic variations that are significantly more common in people with autism, a discovery that may improve diagnosis and offers the promise of developing treatments for the frustratingly mysterious disorder. I notice noted autism authorities Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthey haven't commented on this yet.
blogs, moronosphere
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