Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Joint Session Speech on the Economy - Live Blog

Trying my hand at the live blog thing.

6:04 - Michelle Obama Just walked in followed by the cabinet. This was supposed to start at 6:00 is it too much to ask that when you are pre-empting the Simpsons you have everyone in their seats and start the fucking speech on time.

6:06 Hillary shaking hands with the Generals. I would love to see one of them head butt her. Never mind I am just irritated about the Simpsons still.

6:10 Finally. Crap If you can't manage to start a speech on time how am I supposed to trust you to run the freakin' economy.

6:14 Still waiting

6:17 Economy is in crisis, blah blah blah. Impact is real and economy is weakened but we will rebuild. Not a bad start.

6:20 Need to pull together and take responsibility. Problems have been building but it can all be blamed on Oil, Health Care, and lack of Education. Blech.

6:22 Recovery begins with jobs. Stimulus had to be shoved thru or the world would have ended but now we have the stimulus package and all will be well. Plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. 57 cops still on streets of Minneapolis because of plan.

6;26 Some skeptical if plan will work so I have asked Joe Biden, Super Genius, to lead an unprecedented oversight effort. all will be held accountable for spending.

6:27 Even if recovery plan works flawlessly we need to spend more money on banks.

6:28 Banks aren't lending that is leading to lost jobs. New lending fund to buy cars, houses, student loans etc. (how much is that going to cost)

6:29 Pushing the mortgage relief plan. Won't help irresponsible borrowers - believe that when I see it.

6:30 Bank executives will be held responsible for bad decisions. CEO bashing YAY!!! More regulation.

will cost more than we have set aside - read we need more money.

6:33 we will not help Wall Street but we will help small businesses. Except the credit originates on wall street mainly.

6:35 More regulation again. Can't consign nation to open ended recession. Really whats the expiration date then. Oil, Health Care, Education again.

6:37 Big government is good. Yay!!!

6:38 Oil, Health Care, education again. Seeing a theme here.

6:39 Sounding a little protectionist here.

6:40 Carbon cap. Get ready for massive price increases. Shot at the auto industry. We are going to tell you what to build.

6:42 Health care reform. leading his way up to nationalization. gonna happen this year.

6:46 Education. complete access - spend a lot more money. Schools need reform. Funny coming from a guy who helped run a program that spent $40,000,000 on Chicago schools with no results.

6:49 By 2020 America will have highest proportion of college graduates in the world. We will give you money if you volunteer. Kennedy wrote the bill YAY!!! Will he stand behind it like he did the HMOs he created or No Child Left Behind?

6:50 OMG he just said the recovery plan had no earmarks with a straight face. We have identified $2,000,000,000,000 of waste to be cut in the next decade. We will gut the military.

6:56 We are gonna tax the piss out of those evil corporations and the wealthiest 2% of Americans. Refer back to my post on the Patriot Employer act. We will give tax cuts to the people who don't pay taxes.

6:58 gonna cut and run in Iraq as soon as possible.

6:59 New strategy in Afghanistan AND Pakistan. Really Pakistan, you mean our ally where we ship the majority of our supplies thru. We are going to pick a fight with them? Increase size of the military at the same time he is gutting it.

7:00 Close GITMO. US does not torture (a cynic would say - well yeah we use the rendition program that your administration just went to court to defend)

7:02 Blah Blah Blah.

Well delivered speech but it's freakin empty. I'm not sure the markets are going to like the anti-business rhetoric.

I actually couldn't listen to the last 5 minutes. When he speaks it's like that Japanese cartoon that makes kids seize. Just painful.

Ann Althouse
and Ace were liveblogging too.

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