Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mad Men and Style

I don't know if anyone who reads this blog watches Mad Men (actually I don't know if anyone reads this blog) but it's probably the most critically acclaimed show of the past couple years. Now it's appeal appears to be crossing over into more everyday life.

The New York Times today has an article on how to get the Don Draper hair-do for halloween, but I think this may be a harbinger of some stylistic changes to come. No, I don't routinely read articles on getting the perfect hair-do, I initially thought the article was going to be about how they costume and do the sets for the show.

Anyway my point is I think that styles are going to change a bit over the next few years and who knows that may be a good thing, but what we real need is more of an attitude adjustment to the 1960's style.

Not the no blacks, jews or women allowed attitudes, but some of the common courtesy that used to be more present. Wouldn't it be nice to have people actually be polite in public. I am not really a suit and tie wearer but maybe that would be a small price to pay not to have to listen to every family argument that comes down the road played out in Fred Meyer because people are too rude to take their problems out of the store. And if we started allowing the cops to beat kids for no real reason other than the bass on their stereos makes my heart stop that would really be a good thing.

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