Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Poll finds that Obama isn't closing divide on race

Surprise! Surprise!

Americans are sharply divided by race heading into the first election in which an African-American will be a major-party presidential nominee, with blacks and whites holding vastly different views of Senator Barack Obama, the state of race relations and how black Americans are treated by society, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

I don't really know what to make of this. I didn't really expect Obama to be the healing salve that would close all wounds, especially not with poll results like this:

Nearly 60 percent of black respondents said race relations were generally bad, compared with 34 percent of whites. Four in 10 blacks say that there has been no progress in recent years in eliminating racial discrimination; fewer than 2 in 10 whites say the same thing. And about one-quarter of white respondents said they thought that too much had been made of racial barriers facing black people, while one-half of black respondents said not enough had been made of racial impediments faced by blacks.

I'm not black so I can't say I have experienced what they have but the poll results just seem wrong to me. The poll results are also something that can't really be discussed, outside of some academic circles, because any attempt too will be labeled as racist.

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