Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Obama - "Hey Everybody! I have an idea. Let's establish a theocracy and call it America"

That's the only message I can take from this:

With an eye toward courting evangelical voters, Senator Barack Obama is presenting a plan on Tuesday to expand President Bush’s program of investing federal money in religious-based initiatives that are intended to fight poverty and perform the work of social services.


After all when President Bush announced his faith based initiatives the world howled that it was an unconstitutional intrusion of church into the affairs of the state, and it was really the first step to a Iranian / Saudi style theocracy. Now Obama wants to EXPAND the programs? That can't possibly be good. I see hordes of religous police forcing scanitly clad females back into their college dorms (mmmmmm, scantily clad co-eds) and condemning then to a horrible death by burning (or possibly pillow fight) if this is allowed to stand.

Will Keith Olberman lead the charges against this horrendous state of affairs? Somehow I doubt it. I am thinking he will just take this as another sign of Obama "not doing cowering".

All joking aside I supported the idea of faith based initiatives, because every study I every saw showed programs run by churches is much more effective, but this is just dishonest. Obama disagrees with every position that evangelicals hold but suddenly I am supposed to believe he has seen the light?

A humorous note here, or two actually, while running around advocating complete state control of every aspect of your lives, somehow Obama has come to the conclusion that the state isn't the answer to every problem:

“The fact is, the challenges we face today — from saving our planet to ending poverty — are simply too big for government to solve alone,” Mr. Obama is expected to say, according to a prepared text of his remarks. “We need all hands on deck.”

The second humorous point realtes to the audio interview that is embed in the article on the NY TImes webpage. In it John Broder is talking about Obama's evangelical outreach. The guy actually said, "Hye guys, you and I may disagree on gay marriage, we may disagree on abortion, but we agree on the broader issues". If you are an evangelical what are the broader issues? According to John Broder it is Global Warming (tm), the environment and the war. Are those really the issues that are going to peel evangelicals away from McCain?

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