Sunday, June 08, 2008

LA Times - Denver's mayor is a heartless SOB because he won't provide free college tution to kids who are illegal immigrants

That's the thrust of this article in todays LA Times.

DENVER -- A lot of kids sat up and took notice the day the mayor showed up at Cole Middle School, offering to make a deal: If they'd study hard and stay in school, he'd find the money to pay for college. Four years later, the first of those students are ready to take him up on his offer -- and Mayor John Hickenlooper is ready to deliver.

But the deal has soured for some students in the group: those who are illegal immigrants. Because they would be required by Colorado law to pay out-of-state tuition, it would cost much more to pay for their college educations.

Although the mayor says he will give the students the same amount of monetary support that legal residents will receive, it's far less than what they will need to cover tuition. At least 10 of the 38 who graduated are affected, according to a private group helping the students.

Some now say the mayor has backed away from a commitment that boosted their hopes for the last four years. "We acknowledge the fact the mayor is giving us partial help, but that is not what he promised," said Yadira Zubia, 19.


I feel sorry for these kids but how is this the mayors fault? He isn't the one who broke the law and came here to live illegally; It was their parents who did that.

I disagree with a lot of people on the immigration issue, (I support legalization because I think deportation is economically and physically unfeasible. I also think with stronger border controls and workplace enforcement the problem will eventually resolve itself.) but I have to say that this whining in just absolute BS at some point these kids families have to stand-up and say alright this is our fault - we broke the law.

I don't know why I am surprised here though - It seems to be a liberal policy to completely erase any advantage / privilege / pride in American citizenship and this would go right along with that. The only thing I am really surprised about is the LA Times didn't find some way to blame President Bush for this.

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