Thursday, June 26, 2008

Follow -up on Obama and the Athabasca Oil Sands - Canadian Oil / Venezuelan Oil Same Same

I can't have been the only person who noticed this but so far no one else has mentioned it. (actually I emailed it to a few people including Instapundit but like much of my self-acknowledged brilliance it went unnoticed or unheeded)

I think you get the picture from the short version in the title but the longer version is that the Athabasca Oil Sands in Canada and the Orinoco Fields in Venezuela are essentially the same composition. They both contain high levels of sulfur and would be much "dirtier" than conventional crude oil.

So why is the Obama campaign talking about blocking imports from a country that is a friendly democracy and our number one supplier of oil but not saying a word about Venezuela and it's proto-dictator (or maybe that's just dick) Hugo Chavez? Myabe because they feel closer politically to El Presidente than to the Canadians? Or maybe because Venezuela nationalized the oil industry?

It's a freakin' Mystery

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