Monday, June 23, 2008

Coming July 4th Moronosphere Free Radio (or Radio Free Moronsphere I haven't decided)

It's a little more complicated than I had hoped so it will probably be an SWCast page with podcasts interspersed in the playlists. If things take off we can get fancier.

BTW the name is open to suggestions I also kind of VOM for Voice of the Moronosphere, MBC for Moronsphere Broadcasting Cooperative, and This is the Moronsphere Calling (complete with the Morse code).

Update: I have decided on the Moronosphere World Service with the following opening.

This is the Moronosphere calling all the men and women, so cut off by the snow, the desert, or the sea, that only voices out of the internet can reach them. Don't expect too much in the early days; for some time we shall transmit comparatively simple minded programmes, to give the best chance of intelligible reception and provide evidence as to the type of material most suitable for the service in each zone. The programmes will neither be very interesting nor very good.

The opening was liberally lifted from the opening broadcasts of the BBC World Service.

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