Monday, May 05, 2008

I am really getting tired of being told how stupid I am all the time

Instapundit noted today that he had ordered Ron Paul's "The Revolution, A Manisfesto" and that it had gotten good reviews. I immediately thought of course it has - If Ron Paul sold a book that was nothing more than him smearing feces on the pages the Paulbots would declare it a work of genius, but then I decided I was being unfair and I should go read the reviews. Maybe someone besides a brain damaged Paultard has something good to say about it.

Unfortunately I never made it that far. As I was scrolling down the page I noticed Andrew Napolitano's book "A Nation of Sheep" in the customers have also ordered section, and that set off this rant.

I am just so f***in' tired of every political pundit acting like I am a goddamned idiot all the time. Especially one like Napolitano (who actually is a Ron Paul supporter and was named as a possible running mate)

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